Starting a healing journey can suck.
At least, at first!
Come on, let’s be honest!
Who wants to do the work while you witness people who seem to get everything they want without doing the WORK!
Are you sure? Are you certain that they are not doing anything?
Because, maybe from your own perception they aren’t doing anything. But then if you start scratching the surface you discover that this person was actually born with it! Practicing resilience, joy, hope, and trust. It looks innate but it was part of their personality and that’s how they were raised. Their upbringing, family, and environment, right away at the minute they were born, offered them enough space to develop all of these amazing qualities. This person is not perfect but they got this deep trust within themselves that of course, life will still happen. They will fall down. They will get hurt. But NO MATTER WHAT they will always feel this entire satisfaction of being themselves. Because again, the work was done already, before their birth. That’s why it seems so easy from an external point of view. But in no way are these types of people better than you, they just got a healthy entourage.
So, maybe right now you are at the edge of jumping. Taking this leap of faith of embracing your healing journey and yes that’s on you! You get to do the work but guess what, this simplicity that can radiate from people, can radiate from you. Trust me they do the work every day. It’s just natural for them while for you at this moment, it’s not.
But one day, you will switch from a bad mood to a good mood in an instant. You will reserve a negative pattern to a positive one in a second. You will choose love over fear in a minute. And above all, you will feel deeply aligned with what you practice. It won’t seem like work and you won’t have to think too much. No, it will be part of you and without noticing it, it will be your turn to radiate this light and lead by example.
Find inspiring people. Not the ones that seem better than us. Just the ones who are deeply satisfied. The ones who are in touch with their own feelings, emotions, and desires. The ones who do not apologize for it. They just want to share their happiness as they have been taking care of it for years.
So, embrace this journey of Satisfaction, of Self-Discovery. I urge you to embrace it because even though it can feel scary, it makes you feel more alive. I invite you to join this community of people that are still dealing with ups and downs but are fully aware and conscience that life will always have their back.
And I will finish with an observation from one of my clients:
“Marine, Woo Woo people seem so much happier and more beautiful than us! So, I want to be part of it now.”
Me: “Welcome to the best world on the planet, the Woo Woo one!”
Marine Sélénée