From the desk of Marine Sélénée
Sparks of Inspiration
From a very young age, Marine has always had a little notebook by her side, either on her desk, nightstand, or in her bag. That little pinkish notebook with a cute, heart lock has evolved over the years, but her passion for writing and sharing her thoughts with openness and authenticity remains the same.
There is what we want. There is what our journey will bring to us. There is our stubbornness to not want what our journey has in store for us. Here will begin the fight of our life. A fight that we will keep losing. A fight that will slowly but surely dig our own grave. …
The freedom of choosing your life. The freedom of being the master of your own destiny. As a child, you don’t have this freedom. You understand very quickly that your survival only depends on them. Them. Your parents. How were your parents? Did they make you feel unique and important? Did they create a safe …
Are you standing up with Life or Death? Or maybe one foot on the other? How do you feel with Life? How do you feel with Death? In Family Constellations Therapy, that’s one of the most common dynamics, being stuck in that in-between of Life and Death. Not knowing where to stand because subconsciously you want …
Before working on this blog, I got the news that one of my clients was receiving in-home hospice care. I felt the desire to send her an email, to acknowledge the amazing woman she is. I wanted to recognize the life she had and still has surrounded with Love. Of course, I had a few …
If you had the chance to experience a Family Constellations Workshop, you already know the power of connection during those sessions. If you haven’t experienced one yet, I’d like you to imagine entering a room full of strangers and for the next 4 hours of your life, feeling so connected with all of them. All of …
My head is in a spin, My feet don’t touch the ground, Because you’re near to me, My head goes round and round, My knees are shakin’ baby, My heart it beats like a drum, It feels like I’m in love… Kelly Marie – And, how do you know when you are in Love? When you feel in Love? Last month, …
More Inspiration on Instagram @marineselenee