The Kardashians: Taking Over the Masculine

One of my friends sent me a clip from the Kardashians TV show on Hulu. Kourtney was talking about generational trauma with her mother and was finding it incredible. She went on to ask her mom why she thought she was so controlling.

Well…. here's my 2 cents!* 

The masculine is absent in their family system. That’s why women had to take over and become controlling. When the feminine is not supported by the masculine, there is an urge to control everything in order to feel safe. 

The masculine brings: safety, foundation & support. The feminine brings: softness, abundance & love. That’s why we need both. 

In their case, (long story, short) the father died as a hero, as he died from a cancer (unfair death). The only son was named after his father and was put on a pedestal for being an amazing man and perfect father. There is no such thing as being perfect but that’s the dynamic that happened.

The son went on to be estranged from the family. At first, maybe it was involuntary and then maybe, ultimately, he wanted to protect himself and have his own privacy. Therefore the son, the masculine was absent again. He was unseen and unfortunately struggled with addictions and obesity. This can happen when you don’t feel like you belong and have a place, so you begin to identify with another pattern. 

Then, the choice of boyfriends/husbands for the rest of the siblings. All of them chose "weak" men, either with addictions, emotional issues, cheaters, gamblers and so on. Why? Because unconsciously by choosing “useless’ men they were able to control them even though it may appear they are the ones suffering. The subconscious dynamic playing out here is that even though it is painful, it keeps feeding the dynamic in the family system that men are useless and women have to be in charge. Interestingly enough, their partners were not fulfilling and yet they all had children with them. Again, controlling the situation. 

The Mom's second husband, who became a transgender woman was also rejecting their own masculinity. 

Within this family there is a pattern of rejecting and oppressing the masculine. The question is, when did it begin? What happened? Because at some point, one man failed them (women) and since then, there is no more trust between men and women in their family system. 

The good news is and why I do the work I do, is that you can break free from the pattern. An example in this family is Kourtney finally choosing a man that is there for her and makes her happy. She even decided to have another baby with him. 

The rumor might be that the other family members do not like Kortney's husband. Why? Because if he is in his masculine, I would not be surprised that it would bother everyone else, as they are still behaving from a place of emasculating men and not being vulnerable with them. 

This family is a perfect example of a huge imbalance between the feminine and masculine and how miserable the protagonists can be, even though they seem very happy. I have my doubts about how happy they truly are, but again, they are here to experience their own destiny. At some point, if they were to all work on brining back the healthy masculine into their family system, it would tremendously help the new generation be more at peace and at ease. 

*I don’t personally know the Kardashian. It is only based on what they are willing to show us through their stories. 

With love,
Marine Selenee


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