Steve Jobs | A story of rejection

Steve Jobs was an adopted child. 

His biological mother requested that her son be adopted by college graduates. A lawyer and his wife were selected, but they withdrew after discovering that the baby was a boy. Finally, that baby boy got adopted by Clara Jobs, a bookkeeper and Paul Reinhold, a machinist. 

In the first few months of Steve Jobs life, not only did his biological parents decide to give him up for adoption, then the first adoptive couple rejected him because of his gender. 

It’s a lot of rejection for a newborn already. 

The Mother is our life foundation. It is through her that we come into this life. If we are disconnected from her, we are disconnected from life. Many fundamental problems in our life are related directly to our relationship with our mother. The mother cannot be replaced by anyone in her role. The connection to the mother is what helps us and leads us onwards in life, in order to develop ourself as a person.

Our happiness and success, the fulfillment in life and love, are closely connected to our mother. Our personal attitude towards life and our behavior in the partner relationship, family, and work are reflections of our love towards our mother.  

Fast forward, Steve Jobs became the visionary and spiritual leader at Apple, a company that he created through his charisma and vision. However, Apple’s board felt that Jobs’ ability to lead the company in the future and his often-erratic leadership style would hinder Apple's growth, so they decided to minimize his leadership role. Jobs did not accept this decision and instead left the company altogether. 

Do you want to know where in the work system, the family system takes its place? 

The relationship with the mother, is the relationship with the company. 

Yes, the same dynamic happened. He got rejected by his company like he got rejected by his own biological mother. 

More than 10 years after, Jobs returned to Apple, as it was in serious trouble. 

What happened here? Maybe after seeing her successful son, his mother tried to rekindle a relationship? Or, it could just be his ‘revenge’ playing out to finally be wanted and brought back to save the company, which would play a subconscious parallel, my mother is finally begging me to come back. 

Steve Jobs was eventually diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which is one of the most brutal cancers you can have since there is a very minimal chance of surviving it. The pancreas is associated with worry, feeling unsafe, difficulty accepting life, too much pensiveness, and a lack of trust. 


I don’t think so. 

He left a wonderful heritage and was definitely a big leader in the tech industry, all while his little boy was in pain and could not receive from Life and make peace with it. 

This is an example of how unspoken words, unrecognized situations, unprocessed situations, undigested emotions can brutally impact your life, no matter how smart and successful you are.

If you would like to explore your generational trauma with me, please book a session now. 

With love,
Marine Selenee


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