Masculine & feminine

I know that sometimes it’s hard to accept and equally take from both of your parents.

Maybe they were abusive so the thought of welcoming them behind you, mom on your left side, dad on your right side, is unbearable. Yet, it is through them that we heal. It is through them that we make peace with Life.

The good news is, that you do not have to work directly with them but can practice this balancing with the feminine and masculine energies or through your inner mother and inner father. And if it’s really too difficult for you, I’m here too!

It takes a village to heal and you do not have to do it on your own. Yes, it’s an investment. But trust me, I’ve been investing in myself for the past 15 years and I've never regretted it, not once!

Why is finding the balance between your masculine and feminine important? Because it will have a positive ripple effect in your health, love life, abundance, money, career, relationships and so much more.

I am lucky to see the transformation of my clients, day after day, when they commit to rebalancing and harmonizing their two sides, two energies. It gives them the foundation for a better life because they now never feel guilty of receiving. They never feel resentful of giving. They are able to make money without feeling a burden on their shoulders. They know they deserve a great love. The list goes on.

If you want to begin exploring this harmonization, just for now, acknowledge and visualize behind you, the men and women’s lineages of your family. Feel their presence, lean on them, and bow in front of them. When you will feel connected to them, say out loud or silently: “I receive and take from both sides.”

May you feel the love coming from both sides, the masculine and the feminine.

With Love,

Marine Sélénée


hello & goodbye


A Before and After... and After-After