A Life without surprise is not a life! I mean it’s boring, isn't it?
The exhilaration of Life is to feel alive. To feel connected with ourselves. To feel that we are not living a parallel life to our current life but actually, to merge with it.
And, it’s hard to feel that we belong to our life. It takes practice and a lot of healing. I believe that opening the door to our healing journey is a great way to surprise ourselves and have a life that is ours. We start by healing our past and childhood. Then, we re-bond with our teenager self and connect with what he/she wanted to become, and finally, we embrace our adult self. Through our adult self, we create a life that is like us, in our image while still giving permission to the Universe to surprise and guide us, because we fully trust it.
Healing for me is the beginning of our ‘real’ life. That’s when we start peeling back the different layers that have been troublesome. We start breathing deeper, having our chin up, a new posture, a new way of seeing Life and people. We become more adventurous and bolder. We start making decisions that a few years ago we would have never made. We start surprising ourselves by our self-confidence, love and esteem. It’s exhilarating. It feels magic and so rewarding. And of course, don’t get me wrong, we will still have to deal with the downs, but we will still find some grace in this new learning, challenge and/or teaching.
When you feel that life happens for you, there is a sight in full consciousness that the world is yours and no matter how old you are, you can do whatever you want with your life.
So, keep surprising yourself. Keep being intrigued and curious about your next move and do not settle for less than what you want.
If it’s yours, it will always find a way back.
With Love,
Marine Sélénée