From the desk of Marine Sélénée
Sparks of Inspiration
From a very young age, Marine has always had a little notebook by her side, either on her desk, nightstand, or in her bag. That little pinkish notebook with a cute, heart lock has evolved over the years, but her passion for writing and sharing her thoughts with openness and authenticity remains the same.
Change is frightening. The unknown is scary. But a life without change & the unknown is not a life. Taking risks, betting again, loving again, making mistakes, starting again, that's the richness of Life. Embrace aliveness. Experience it to the fullest.
Divorce & Separation
My mom used to say all the time, that Love was looking towards the same direction. I love that, and couldn't agree more. You may look towards the same direction for a few weeks, months or years. At some point, that road can split. And if it does, is it a failure? No, it just means that in your relationship, you were allowed to grow. It’s always a risk to take, to grow together or separately, but if you can continue to want the best for that person, you can still love them, just differently. That is honoring your relationships and your growth.
Sometimes the idea of being stuck [aka not moving on] can paralyze you more than the reality of being stuck.
Being stagnant is only a way of catching up with yourself and realizing something's not working in your life. It forces you to look beyond your bullshit and get back to the simple question, what you are really trying to do?
the fight
This is what I learned in Family Constellations. When you enter the field, you are finally willing to stop the fight and be in the moment as it is. The moment of Love, the moment of presence that will never go back to the same shape but for sure will give birth to more.
Basically, we all go through those three different cycles, multiple times in our life, but we should never stay stuck in any of them. Sometimes, it’s time to create. Sometimes, it’s time to preserve. And, sometimes it’s time to destroy. Those three cycles are all useful and needed in order to become who we want to be, in order to learn what we have to learn, so that we can expand and keep growing.
It’s interesting, how at the end of our life, in front of death we can resist it. We have the tendency to blame Life but when it’s time to say Good-Bye, we actually think it’s too soon. I also have the example with my father who survived Death knocking at his door three times. It's interesting to me since my dad has wanted to die since he was 20. That relationship with death is ambivalent.
More Inspiration on Instagram @marineselenee