We all have addictions.
Addiction is anything that you think you cannot live without it.
You can be addicted to a person, a state of mind, a feeling, a memory, a type of food, a drug, an alcohol, freedom, chaos, passion, money, working out, working, shopping, sex, and so on.
In order to heal from an addiction, you need to find the root of the pain that caused it. Once you do that, you can begin to fill the emptiness created from the addiction with your love and attention.
Yes, it starts with the parents, but I would also extend it to previous generations. So, take a look at your family tree. If you don't know where to start, My Family Tree, 90-minute course, will guide you through it and help you focus on what truly matters. You can also start by looking at yourself and paying attention to your behavior. Think about what is your trigger or urge that causes you to go back to your addiction. Contemplate why you think you cannot survive the wave of emotions/feelings that you are experiencing without it.
For more emotional meanings in regards to addictions, see below.
Dependence is linked to the family system, maternal overprotection, and the absence of the father. Both cases are due to lack of unconditional love. Any addiction seeks to avoid contact with emotion, perhaps a feeling of existential emptiness, lack of love, feeling alone, disconnection with your higher being. You are not alone.
Cocaine: Helps to manage the hatred towards the father, to express what I dare not express, since cocaine disinhibits me. Illusion of a great awakening which facilitates relationships with others. I want to regain my purity or what I can no longer generate, like the admiration of others.
Marijuana: Helps manage a couple separation, and my identity or position regarding this separation. People who are looking for themselves, who don’t know what they came to do on the planet. Identity conflict.
Alcoholism: This is linked to the desire to escape physical or emotional responsibilities for fear of being hurt and being hurt again. Also linked to conflicts with mom.
Tobacco: Tobacco is linked to the mother's conflicts, experiencing a profound situation of solitude. Lack of communication with the mother or too much protection. Lack of freedom and independence.
Chocolate: Needs daddy’s love and sweetness. Conflicts with the absence, lack of love or devaluation of the father.
Sugar: The need to sweeten life by compensating for the feeling of lack of love, tenderness, and joy in the person.
Sex addiction: Trying to fill with the physical, the spiritual, believing that making love is having love.
Work addiction: Living with too many attachments and fear, so as not to suffer from deficiency. Believing that I must prove that my life is productive and that others recognize that I am worth something.
Exercise addiction: Difficulty accepting yourself. Depends on one's physical state (outside) to fill and fill the void (Inner) of insecurity in one's own being.
Gambling addiction: Helps give a sense of identity while actually it is just looking for their parent’s help to structure him/her and to stop losing their money. It’s an identity conflict.
If you suffer from an addiction, no matter which one it is, you can heal. A lasting way to start understanding and addressing your addiction is by getting to the root of your story. Once you do that, you can forgive what there is to forgive in you. You can heal the inner child and not take life as a punishment or suffering but as a teaching to develop self-love.
My practice is here to help you disentangle yourself and begin to heal your addictions by finally giving yourself what you need in order to move on and create the life of your choice.
Much Love,
Marine Sélénée