Men Are Not Attracted to Their Mothers
Some of my female clients kept recommending the book "The Surrendered Wife" by Laura Doyle. I finally decided to read it. Well, I agree with the author's perspective about 70%. There was around 30% for me that was a bit too old fashioned for our time. I believe that our men have grown up and are embracing + accepting women reclaiming their lives, financial independence, and having a voice.
Going back to the book, basically the big message is: Women stop controlling your men!
“But if we don’t take care of them, they don’t know how to do laundry. They don’t where where to go food shopping. They don’t know how to change a diaper. The kitchen is going to be a mess, if I let him cook. If I go away for the weekend, the kids are going to be dressed up like it’s carnival. If I don’t take care of the vacation, it’s going to be a last minute trip. And blah, blah, blah!”
I’ve been there! Thinking that without me, my man would never survive.
I mean for sure they are going to do it differently. Is that wrong or bad? Absolutely not! I mean, I don’t want to be with another Marine, I got enough with myself! When I hear women talk shit about their husbands or criticize them in public, I wish I could say:
- It is not funny to imply that your husband is your third child. Do you want to fuck a child?
- It is not funny to feel like you are the mother of your husband ? Do you really think you husband wants to fuck his mom?
- It is not funny to criticize your husband and keep emasculating him constantly. Do you really think he is going to feel important for you?
- It is not funny to see your husband as the baby sitter of your children. Do you really think this is a good example for your children?
The list goes on.
If you want to be treated like a queen, start treating him like a king. (Guys, same goes for you!)
We have got to stop controlling our entire environment because we believe that we know better. It's not true. We know differently. But difference is great, otherwise, you don’t get married, you don’t commit to a partner, you stay single and raise children on your own, when the beauty of life, I believe, is sharing it with someone.
Release the need of BEING SUPER STRONG! SUPER MOM! SUPER WOMAN! SUPER WIFE! You cannot do it without your husband, and a village!
If you don’t have a village to support you, even more reason to let your man be your support.
Between you and I, they actually live for that! Feeling useful, helpful and holding space for their partner and children to be healthy + happy.
You don't have to trust me on that one, just give it try and keep me posted how it goes!
With love,
Marine Selenee