the door
How many times have you gotten pissed off with a door in your life that didn't seem to want to open? Maybe you lost your patience and started cursing at that closed door. Then you started trying to force your way in, knowing that always backfires and leaves you feeling more disappointed.
Sometimes, the answer is asking for help with the door. And other times, it's leaving the door alone and focusing on something else for awhile.
It’s the same thing with life. When you want a situation, opportunity or relationship to happen so badly even though you keep getting signals that it is clearly not for you right now... or ever.
Why do we waste so much energy and time on something that obviously is not for us at the moment? Why do we constantly try to force things? Why don’t we surrender and trust more? When are we going to learn that most of the time conflict is not a bad thing? When will we learn that letting go and trusting is so much more rewarding?
May we all know deeply, that if a door does not open, it is not a rejection, it is only a redirection.
Much Love,
Marine Sélénée