From the desk of Marine Sélénée

Sparks of Inspiration

From a very young age, Marine has always had a little notebook by her side, either on her desk, nightstand, or in her bag. That little pinkish notebook with a cute, heart lock has evolved over the years, but her passion for writing and sharing her thoughts with openness and authenticity remains the same.

Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée


Once upon a time, families used to be estranged from members that were homosexual, single mothers, sensitive, or handicapped. Any members that could (from their perspective) disturb the balance of the family, had to be hidden and those family members were destined to be a secret.

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

The Spiritual bs people

Having been on the spiritual path for a long time now, I can see when being spiritual is simply a trend for some. The ones pretending that they are spiritual and want peace and send peace, and blah, blah, blah, while actually their behavior is the complete opposite. The "spiritual" people who are always right and treat others like a piece of shit, but in the name of peace and being so much higher in the air than us common mortals.

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

Being a woman

Fifteen years ago, on May 19th 2009, my first husband was arrested in Miami for domestic violence while I was in Los Angeles, trying to heal. As much as that time of my life was hard, it was also the beginning of finding myself. The beginning of being a woman.

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

WOmen & Men

What happened between men and women? Between the masculine and feminine? The imbalance of masculine and feminine has been a recurring theme in my practice, along with my friends too, and within my own personal journey. I’m not saying that I got everything figured out, however, I do feel that I have a sense of what has been happening between us.

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

parents vs partner

Whatever you did not understand and/or heal with your parents, your love life will be the playground of replaying that dynamic over and over again until you finally heal from it. The trick here is that your partner won’t be able to represent either of your parents, but you will be the one healing the dynamic within yourself by becoming the parent that your inner child wishes they could’ve had. 

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

the gift of life

I recently worked with a new client that despite working very hard she was still feeling blocked in her abundance. After asking her a few questions about her family story, I started seeing another angle that could prevent her from manifesting her dream job and feeling overall abundant again. 

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More Inspiration on Instagram @marineselenee