From the desk of Marine Sélénée
Sparks of Inspiration
From a very young age, Marine has always had a little notebook by her side, either on her desk, nightstand, or in her bag. That little pinkish notebook with a cute, heart lock has evolved over the years, but her passion for writing and sharing her thoughts with openness and authenticity remains the same.
That's how our family system can keep living its own growth, generation after generation, doing better and better. You want your children to do better than you and that is the proper order. Same thing with Freedom. So many of our ancestors fought for Freedom as they knew it was the best gift ever in this life. Let’s not forget about them. Let’s still keep fighting for the right to be Free. The right to live your life as you would like. The right to feel Free at work, in love, with your family, with your friends.
We all experience aha moments that bring us, in a second, all the clarity we were looking for. It happened to me a few days ago after another healing session with Paul Canali (If you are in Miami, I highly recommend you to see him). After two previous amazing sessions with Paul that brought me so much peace, I decided to go see him again after my vacation in LA.
destiny or free will
I mean I did not choose to be raped, to marry a husband who was violent and jealous, to have an emotionally unavailable father, the list goes on. But, I believe that I had to experience all of those to become closer and closer to my true self and what my destiny had in mind when I decided to come back on planet Earth.
eternal love
Love starts at your conception when your parents are making Love. Normally, it’s an act of Love, an act of openness and creating a life together. It’s sacred. Following this act of love, there is the 9-month of gestation, hearing your mom’s heartbeat, feeling her feelings, eating her food, being an extension of her. You are literally and physically merged with her. If she is okay, you are okay. If she is not okay, you will be feeling it.
When you commit, you succeed. You achieve something that is dear to your heart. Commitment makes you in charge of your life. You commit to it. You commit to yourself. Commitment makes you an adult. Commitment creates respect.
hello & goodbye
When you do a Family Constellations session, you know that you will end a story in order to write a new one. What you might not know is that a new story cannot happen through resentment, anger, frustration or blame. It only happens through peace, love, and kindness towards your acknowledgment and recognition of what was.
More Inspiration on Instagram @marineselenee