From the desk of Marine Sélénée

Sparks of Inspiration

From a very young age, Marine has always had a little notebook by her side, either on her desk, nightstand, or in her bag. That little pinkish notebook with a cute, heart lock has evolved over the years, but her passion for writing and sharing her thoughts with openness and authenticity remains the same.

Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

Britney’s Grandmother’s Destiny

In Britney’s case, her father lost his mother and then he did the same thing to his daughter. Since we don’t know the entire story, I won’t make any bold statements. But, we can look at what played out through a different lens. Was Britney’s father scared of his daughter committing suicide? Did he feel helpless with his mother’s health so he tried to control his daughter’s health?

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

Women with a father wound

Women who had emotionally absent fathers that did not really connect to them and/or did not always seem interested in them are more likely to develop hyper independence. Women who have a father wound aren’t usually able to emotionally depend on people because they don’t feel safe enough to trust.

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

Men Are Not Attracted to Their Mothers

Some of my female clients kept recommending the book "The Surrendered Wife" by Laura Doyle. I finally decided to read it. Well, I agree with the author's perspective about 70%. There was around 30% for me that was a bit too old fashioned for our time. I believe that our men have grown up and are embracing + accepting women reclaiming their lives, financial independence, and having a voice. 

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

pure love

Do you remember that pure Love? It probably lasted 9 months, more or less. It was amazing. All your needs were met without doing or asking for anything. You felt completely safe, completely well taken care of, and you could feel the Love coming towards you.

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée


Any type of successful and nurturing relationships is the right balance between giving and receiving. Because that latter involved that relationship is based on respect, trust, vulnerability and so true intimacy can exist. And you can see it in any constellations when there is a lack of balance between giving and receiving, the family members are angry, resentful and bittersweet. Because none of them feel seen, heard and recognized.

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

leave us alone

Do you. Feel you. You know what’s best for you. You know what makes you feel good. So, spend less time on social media where it is no longer an app to connect anymore but to sell you any type of shit that you never thought you would need. Go back to your foundation, your basics, what works for you as your own person.

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More Inspiration on Instagram @marineselenee