From the desk of Marine Sélénée
Sparks of Inspiration
From a very young age, Marine has always had a little notebook by her side, either on her desk, nightstand, or in her bag. That little pinkish notebook with a cute, heart lock has evolved over the years, but her passion for writing and sharing her thoughts with openness and authenticity remains the same.
a pattern of love
Just keep in mind that your relationship with your parents will always be reflected in your love life. If unfortunately, you’ve lost your mother at a very young age (before 6 years old), it might be more difficult for you to trust love, for the simple reason that you learned through dramatic circumstances how losing someone that you deeply love can make you suffer so much. Losing your mother in your teenager years, until 30, can also create difficulties and struggles with your partner.
the door
Why do we waste so much energy and time on something that obviously is not for us at the moment? Why do we constantly try to force things? Why don’t we surrender and trust more? When are we going to learn that most of the time conflict is not a bad thing? When will we learn that letting go and trusting is so much more rewarding?
in the name of love
The more you recognize your pain, the more you talk about what happened to you, the less risk there is to repeat the same situation. The same situation will trigger your repressed feelings and unspoken words, that’s all. Take full responsibility, share your story, acknowledge your pain so no family members from future generations will have to do it.
We all have addictions. Addiction is anything that you think you cannot live without it. You can be addicted to a person, a state of mind, a feeling, a memory, a type of food, a drug, an alcohol, freedom, chaos, passion, money, working out, working, shopping, sex, and so on. In order to heal from an addiction, you need to find the root of the pain that caused it. Once you do that, you can begin to fill the emptiness created from the addiction with your love and attention.
abandoning yourself
What happens, in that moment, when your entire self feels like you are giving up on you? Anxiety, fear, feeling unbalanced, anger, frustration, inner conflict and so much more. It’s the inner battle taking its place. Your inner self trying to wake you up, while the ego side of you is so afraid of being abandoned, rejected, alone that it's willing to pretend to be someone else just to be loved. And guess who pays the price?
ray charles | too painful to see
Ray Charles was not born blind, but slowly started losing his vision at the age of four or five, due to what was later diagnosed as glaucoma. Interestingly enough, his brother George accidentally drowned in their mother’s laundry tub when he was four years old. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this is around the same age that slowly, but surely, Ray Charles started losing his vision.
More Inspiration on Instagram @marineselenee